» engine check light turns on at 190 km/h

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Anmeldedatum: 15.05.2005
Beiträge: 21
29.07.2005, 12:47

when i bought the car it had a distribuitor from other car ( some CRX i think ) , i have bought a new distribuitor and now it's runs perfect but the errors i think were still there caused by the old distribuitor , and now when i reseted the ecu ( pulled out the ecu fuse for 10 seconds ) and put the jumper cable the check engine stayed on without blinking ... so that means that there are no errors , right ? :)

pn yim

Name: Marc
Anmeldedatum: 28.08.2004
Beiträge: 52423
Wohnort: Lohmar

Meine eBay-Auktionen:
29.07.2005, 13:18

at the moment is it right. the distributor errors could come from the old distributor and were saved till now.

but you said, you had problems if you run 190 km/h.

now you deleted the error codes. run the engine again with 190km/h.. if the engine light will turn on again post the code, please.

maybe it is the vtec valve.. or something else.

pn email
Anmeldedatum: 15.05.2005
Beiträge: 21
30.07.2005, 18:06

so i did reseted the ecu and the only code wich remains it's 22

so it's the vtec pressure valve , right ?

so can you explain me exactly about it ?

pn yim

Name: Marc
Anmeldedatum: 28.08.2004
Beiträge: 52423
Wohnort: Lohmar

Meine eBay-Auktionen:
31.07.2005, 00:35

if someone has driven the car and forgotten to change the oil and oil filter for a long time there can be oil mud in the vtec filter.

maybe you drove to long without doing maintenance?

remove the vtec pressure valve and clean the filter if it is dirty. (this is the normally the problem) if you stand in front of your car the vtec valve is directly behind the engine on the left side (there were the distributor is, too). you see two cables going to it. one with one wire and one with two wires.

maybe you need a new gasket and a new vtec valve filter (these parts can be bought at your honda dealer)

after that delete the code and drive again.

if this won't solve the problem buy a new valve at the next junkyard.

these are the service steps, too: (but you need some tools to analyze the real problem).

USDM_92-95_civic0086 Kopie (Large).jpg
USDM_92-95_civic0086 Kopie (Large).jpg - [Bild vergrößern]

USDM_92-95_civic0087 Kopie (Large).jpg
USDM_92-95_civic0087 Kopie (Large).jpg - [Bild vergrößern]

USDM_92-95_civic0088 Kopie (Large).jpg
USDM_92-95_civic0088 Kopie (Large).jpg - [Bild vergrößern]

USDM_92-95_civic0089 Kopie (Large).jpg
USDM_92-95_civic0089 Kopie (Large).jpg - [Bild vergrößern]

pn email
Anmeldedatum: 15.05.2005
Beiträge: 21
31.07.2005, 14:33

i did search that vtec pressure valve for 2 hours and nothing :wall:

i did pull out 1' screw ' and i din not see any filter there , it is just some kind of screw

when i pull out the 2 ' screw ' the water was leaking from there

so can you tell me exactly ( i think i am idiot :) ) where the hack it is that valve valve ?

or give a picture , or note on my picture


:wall: :wall: :wall:

DSC02776(1)x.JPG - [Bild vergrößern]

Verfasst am: 31.07.2005, 15:17

i found a picture :

in the picture it is missing the valve , but that's the place i i think

later edit : so , i pulled out that screw but i did not see anything like a filter or something ... i've put back the screw ,reseted the ecu , and some oil in the engine to be sure ... and i started the engine and go to a drive ...

the check engine light turns on at 160km/h and after 2 minutes the vtec dies

:cry: :idea:
pn yim

Name: Marc
Anmeldedatum: 28.08.2004
Beiträge: 52423
Wohnort: Lohmar

Meine eBay-Auktionen:
31.07.2005, 21:30

here in the picture you see the filter: (the whole thing is the valve)

pn email
Anmeldedatum: 15.05.2005
Beiträge: 21
28.09.2005, 15:49

hi guys , back again :)

i had some problems and i could not work at the car

so yesterday i opened the vtec pressuve valve

it's clean in the interior , everything looks ok

checked the level oil , ok

checked the power on cables , ok

still almost no vtec , kicks in and out and at high speed no vtec al all

the mecanid said that the valve has not enough power to work properly and i need a new one

do you think that it's possible that the valve itself needs changed ?

pn yim

Name: Marc
Anmeldedatum: 28.08.2004
Beiträge: 52423
Wohnort: Lohmar

Meine eBay-Auktionen:
28.09.2005, 18:06

maybe this will solve the problem.

are your valves adjusted?

pn email
Anmeldedatum: 15.05.2005
Beiträge: 21
29.09.2005, 13:59

no , why ?

where should i buy a vtec pressure valve ? :(

anyone selling one on this forum ? in my country i am happy if i see 1 honda at 7-8 junkyards

pn yim
30.09.2005, 15:32

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