» Erste Gerüchte zum Honda CRZ Type-R

Honda CR-Z - Endlich ein würdiger CR-X-Nachfolger...?Neuen Thread eröffnenNeue Antwort erstellenCRZ Roadster 2012

Name: Marc
Anmeldedatum: 28.08.2004
Beiträge: 52420
Wohnort: Lohmar

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16.03.2010, 13:02

Autoexpress gibt an, dass Mugen an einem überarbeiteten K-Block arbeitet.

ZitatThe standard CR-Z uses a 102bhp 1.5-litre engine coupled to a 20bhp electric motor for a total output of just 122bhp - but the Type-R is set to offer much more than that! Mugen, Honda’s official tuning arm, is reportedly being lined-up to work its magic on the CR-Z and boost its performance credentials. There had been rumours that a reworked version of the Civic Type R’s 2.0-litre four-cylinder engine could make it into the CR-Z Type-R, but because the coupe has been designed as a hybrid from the outset, a petrol-electric powertrain is a must.

The front-wheel drive layout and six-speed manual gearbox will remain, but expect the naturally-aspirated 1.5-litre engine to be cranked up to around 150bhp and mated to a larger 50bhp electric motor. The combined output of 200bhp will move the Type-R into serious performance territory with a 0-60mph time of close to six seconds, three seconds faster than the 122bhp CR-Z, and a top speed of 140mph.

The standard car’s three driving modes will also be extended to four, to include an additional Sport Plus setting. Select it and the throttle response, steering, timing of the stop-start system and the level of assitance from the electric motor will be set for maximum performance. Upgraded brakes and stiffened suspension will complete the package.

Our sources have revealed that the CR-Z Type R is already being prepared for a debut at next year’s Tokyo Motor Show before going on sale in Japan in late 2011. UK sales are set to commence a few months after that with prices starting from around £20,000.

honda-crz-type-r-carbonhaube.jpg - [Bild vergrößern]

Verfasst am: 16.03.2010, 13:04

Wheels24 berichtet von einem größeren E-Motor:

ZitatBigger battery, better numbers

Enthusiasts will still only be offered a hybrid drivetrain option in Type R specification, boosted by a slightly more powerful version of the 1.5l in-line four-cylinder petrol engine augmented by a larger electric motor.

Expect a power surge of around 24kW, to a new peak of 125kW – which should offer entirely decent performance.

Beyond the increase in performance from the hybrid drivetrain, expect Honda’s engineers to lower the CR-Z’s ride height in Type R trim.

Add in more rebound resistant dampers (countering body-roll) and larger brakes (for scrubbing off speed courtesy of the increased performance on offer) and you can see the CR-Z Type R fully justifying its CRX traceable lineage.

honda-crz-type-r.jpg - [Bild vergrößern]

Verfasst am: 16.03.2010, 13:11

Auch InsideLine spricht nur von einem leicht aufgebohrten 1.5 Liter Motor mit größerem E-Motor:

ZitatBut don't expect Honda to put the high-revving Civic Si engine in this car. Rather, the Honda CR-Z Type R would still be a hybrid. We've heard one scenario that suggests the Type R would get a modified version of the base hatchback's 1.5-liter inline four-cylinder engine with about 20 extra horsepower. Combine that with a larger electric motor, and the car's total output would land in the 160-170-hp range.

Ein Vorteil soll der CRZ Type-R aber in jedem Fall haben. Er soll um die 150kg leichter sein als der aktuelle Civic Type-R.

Auslieferung soll frühestens Mitte 2011 sein.

Verfasst am: 16.03.2010, 13:17

Laut TheSmokingTire arbeitet Mugen an einem 2 Liter 150 PS Motor :suspekt:

Honda soll den 20 PS E-Motor wohl auf 50 PS aufbohren.

ZitatWhat happens when the tuning world meets the Birkenstock-wearing world of hybrids? I never thought we’d find out, or at least not for another few years (Those modified Prius are just bags of money on fire, useless). Well we may find out sooner, because Honda is now working with Mugen on a CR-Z Type R. In principle it’s a good idea, if they can find a way to make a sporty hybrid, I’m all for it. But here’s what I don’t get: The Mugen CR-Z will have a 2.0 liter gasoline engine that produces 150hp. Honda had to upgrade the electric motor as well, so it gets a boost from the stock CR-Z’s 20hp to a 50hp unit, raising total output to 200hp. It will also have upgraded brakes, suspension, EM and throttle response. Sounds like friendly fire that will hit the Civic SI right in the face.

Insgesamt aber ein kritischer Blogartikel.

Auch in den USA wünscht man sich endlich einen neuen Hecktriebler von Honda.
pn email

Name: Pierre
Fahrzeug: Gisela - FL5R - Mr. Blum FK2 Tourer - Soli EH6 Del Sol Motegi
Anmeldedatum: 10.10.2005
Beiträge: 23683
Wohnort: Langenzenn

Meine eBay-Auktionen:
16.03.2010, 13:27



Name: sascha
Fahrzeug: ej9facelift sold..dann cm2 pre type s rip ...jetzt cm2 fl type s
Anmeldedatum: 13.02.2007
Beiträge: 8451
Wohnort: Texas
21.03.2010, 11:36

Der Frontantrieb Layout und Sechsgang-Schaltgetriebe wird bleiben, aber erwarten, dass die Saugmotor 1,5-Liter-Motor auf bis zu rund 150bhp und eine größere 50bhp Elektromotor gepaart angekurbelt werden. Die kombinierte Leistung von 200 PS wird die Type-R in ernsthafte Leistung Gebiet bewegen sich mit einer 0-60 Stundenmeilen Zeit von knapp sechs Sekunden, drei Sekunden schneller als der 122bhp CR-Z und eine Höchstgeschwindigkeit von 140 Stundenmeilen.

ne falsch die arbeiten an einem 1.5 mit 150ps


Name: Marko
Fahrzeug: FK8, Cu2, ex FK2R, ex FN2, ex-EM2 ;ex-ED 6
Anmeldedatum: 01.12.2005
Beiträge: 3967
Wohnort: Fulda
21.03.2010, 21:40

Sollte ein Type-R kommen, dann wird die Optik hoffentlich auch sportlicher

pn email
21.03.2010, 21:40

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