» skunk2 bedeutung

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Name: Amos
Fahrzeug: Honda crx del Sol, Civic ej2, Honda CB400N, Honda MTB 50
Anmeldedatum: 17.05.2011
Beiträge: 273
Wohnort: Hildesheim
02.02.2013, 14:47

Hallo, wollte mal fragen was der name für eine bedeutung hat

weil übersetzt heißt es Stinktier2 ?:-O

ist irgendwie komisch

lg Amok

pn email
Fahrzeug: CRX ED9
Anmeldedatum: 16.03.2011
Beiträge: 1067
02.02.2013, 15:53

Na und?
Amerikanische Sonderkomandos nennen sich "Greenberry" (grüne Beere) oder "Navy Seals" (Flotten-Seehunde).
Klingt unglaublich gefährlich. :dumb:
Amies haben was übrig für bescheuerte Namen.


Name: Danny
Fahrzeug: BMW E46
Anmeldedatum: 24.08.2008
Beiträge: 1062
Wohnort: Augsburg
02.02.2013, 16:23

Greenberry? Ich hau mich weg ...
Die nennen sich dann "Green Berets" - aber Greenberry hört sich auch lustig an.

Zu deinen "Flotten Seehunden" (WTF?!) ...

ZitatSEAL - Naval Special Forces der USA (US Navy), für Aufklärung und Sabotage-Aktionen entwickelt vom Meer entfernt. In einer wörtliche Übersetzung von “Dichtung” (auch “Meer” tragen), ist ein Akronym für Sea - Air - Land (Sea - Luft - Erde).

 1x  bearbeitet

Name: Paulo
Fahrzeug: EP3, SD01, Specialized Enduro EVO 26" Custom-Neuaufbau
Anmeldedatum: 11.06.2011
Beiträge: 1459
Wohnort: mal hier, mal da
03.02.2013, 09:49

das mit den See Hunden soll verdeutlichen das die sowohl zu Land wie zu Wasser agieren. Danny hat das noch besser mit seinem Zitat erfasst.
Es heißt "Green Barrets" das bezieht sich auf die Farbe der Kopfbedeckung und nicht auf irgendwelche Beeren.

Skunk kommt von Skunkworks. Das ist in den Staaten ein Begriff für Abteilungen die geheim und/oder ohne das Wissen der führenden Stellen arbeiten.


 1x  bearbeitet

Name: Kai
Fahrzeug: Toyota Soarer JZZ30 Vertex ; Civic ED7 ; Honda Zoomer
Anmeldedatum: 14.02.2009
Beiträge: 506
Wohnort: Leipzig
03.02.2013, 20:54

Ist halt der Name. Kannst ja mal zu "Rauh Welt Begriff" gehen und die fragen


Name: Kjell
Fahrzeug: CTR EP3///GSX-R 750 "Agent Orange"
Anmeldedatum: 12.10.2012
Beiträge: 348
Wohnort: Wilhelmshaven
12.02.2013, 00:19

Dragon85Na und?
Amerikanische Sonderkomandos nennen sich "Greenberry" (grüne Beere) oder "Navy Seals" (Flotten-Seehunde).
Klingt unglaublich gefährlich. :dumb:
Amies haben was übrig für bescheuerte Namen.

ich hau mich weg :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Name: Basti
Fahrzeug: EK9-Aerodeck/Orthia, Black RD1 Daily
Anmeldedatum: 24.08.2009
Beiträge: 3738
Wohnort: Schermbeck
13.02.2013, 08:49

Von der Offiziellen "Skunk2" Website:
ZitatThere are a few stories circulating as to how Skunk2 got its name, each with varying amounts of fact and fiction. We thought this would be a good place to set the record straight and inform people about how it really came about.

For the record, Skunk2 Racing is a registered trademark / brand of Group-A Autosports, Inc. Prior to being "Skunk2 Racing" the brand was actually called "Skunkworks Racing Project" in 1998. By definition "Skunkworks" is a secret laboratory where cutting edge aircraft are developed at the highest level of speed and efficiency. Group-A adapted the name to include development of race cars and components. Because of successful racing efforts and product sales the "Skunkworks" brand started to gain popularity in 1998. As a result of this increase in popularity, Group-A caught the attention of Lockheed Martin. Little did Group-A know that the "Skunkworks" name was a registered mark of Lockheed. Lockheed notified Group-A to cease and desist from using the name "Skunkworks".

At that time Group-A consulted with it's attorneys as to the legitimacy of Lockheed's claim. Lockheed had indeed registered the "Skunkworks" trademark since the 50's, but had failed to actively prevent it's trademark from becoming generic. Generally speaking, trademarks become generic when they begin appearing in common use dictionaries. Terms such as escalator and elevator were at one time trademarks that have since become generic. Companies that own the names XEROX and KLEENEX actively lobby to keep their trade names out of the dictionary. At the time Lockheed threatened suit against Group-A, the name "Skunkworks" could be found in 16 common use dictionaries thus making it generic.

After extensive legal research, Group-A decided not to contest Lockheed's claim to the name on the basis of the following. Even though the name was generic, Lockheed had enough resources to be able to drain Group-A's finances. Furthermore, if Group-A successfully contested the name and made "Skunkworks" generic, Group-A was opening the doors to anyone else who wanted to use the name "Skunkworks" in the automotive performance space. Clearly holding onto the "Skunkworks" name was a lose-lose proposition. So Group-A decided to abandon the "Skunkworks" name.

So Group-A contacted Lockheed and told them that they would abandon the use of the "Skunkworks" name, however because Group-A already stockpiled a significant amount of inventory, they would need 12 months to sell the inventory and transition to the use of a new name. In actuality Group-A figured that it would take 6 months at the earliest and 9 months at the latest to sell all of the "Skunkworks" inventory. Unfortunately Lockheed thought differently and would only give Group-A 30 days to transition to the new name. Group-A responded that it would be impossible to transition in that short period of time without suffering significant financial loss. Group-A told Lockheed that they could agree to give them sufficient time to transition to a new name, in which case either party would not need to spend anymore money on legal fees; or they could insist on 30 days in which case Group-A was prepared to defend against a lawsuit long enough to transition to a new name at which time it would abandon the "Skunkworks" name anyways (even though Group-A knew it would cost a significant amount of money to defend a lawsuit against Lockheed, the legal costs would amount to significantly less than if it had to destroy remaining inventory). In essence Group-A told Lockheed that they could grant them the time for free, or Group-A would buy the time at significant costs to both parties, while also putting their trademark at risk at being made generic. Unfortunately Lockheed decided to take a strong posture by not compromising. A lawsuit was filed and month of back and forth lawyer letter writing ensued. They tried various tactics "threats" to make Group-A concede, but Group-A did not. Finally, they tried to schedule a court hearing/action on a date when they knew Group-A's attorney would be out of the country on business (even though they were given sufficient advanced notice and had agreed not to schedule any sort of action during that time). As a result Group-A's attorneys threatened to file for sanctions against Lockheed for their actions. That's when Lockheed's did a complete turnaround, abandoned the posturing, and reached an agreement within a week.

With the lawsuit behind them, Group-A had to choose a new name. At that time there was already a significant amount of brand equity built in the "Skunkworks Racing Project" name. Many enthusiasts were calling us "Skunk" for short, so Group-A decided that it would only make sense to keep using a name with "Skunk" in it. The reason why Group-A did not just use the name "Skunk" is because the name "Skunk" is already generic by nature. Taking a cue from the Japanese Option2 magazine and ESPN2, Group-A decided to change the name to "SKUNK2". The "2" would signify the next evolution of the "Skunk" brand. Furthermore, because there is no such word as a "Skunk2", it made the trademark easily defendable.

Today the "Skunk2" name is a registered trademark in the USA and several other key countries throughout the world.

gruß, Basti ;)

Anmeldedatum: 17.10.2009
Beiträge: 739
13.02.2013, 10:36

Schade nur das viele hier, trotz des gut erklärenden Textes, nie herrausfinden werden warum die Firma Skunk2 heißt :D

Name: Basti
Fahrzeug: EK9-Aerodeck/Orthia, Black RD1 Daily
Anmeldedatum: 24.08.2009
Beiträge: 3738
Wohnort: Schermbeck
13.02.2013, 10:42

It seems you're making fun of people's english skills here... :hrhr:


Name: Rocco
Fahrzeug: ehmals CRZ jetzt Lexus GS450h 13"
Anmeldedatum: 12.05.2012
Beiträge: 2237
Wohnort: Berlin
13.02.2013, 12:59

All about email and edit. Alles über Emil und Edith :)

Oh! There is an e-mail. Oh! Da ist schon Emil.
He has a small file to edit. Er hat ein Feilchen für Edith.
A small file= ein Feilchen
A small motherboard= das Stiefmütterchen
Nicht zu Verwechseln mit "Google-dat-com"= der Gugelhupf
Our e-mail has a copy. Unser Emil hat einen Zwillingsbruder.
He is a user of messeges. Er ist US-Amerikaner aus Messajusets.
He likes to edit the internet. Er findet Ediths Hintern net.
She knows e-mail is important. Sie weiß Emil ist impotent.
She goes professionally online. Sie geht Beruflich auf den Strich.
Can I use your browser? Kann ich deine Dusche benutzen?
She has a new PC! Sie hat ein neues Pissoir!
PC= das Pissoir
Laptop= das Sitzklo
Do you use the new apple? Brauchts du frisches Obst?
No, I have Windows! Nein, ich habe Blähungen!
Windows= Blähungen
Download= Durchfall
She has to close the icon. Sie nennt zwei Klos ihr Eigen.
One has an external modem. Eines ist außergewöhnlich modern.
You have to klick a link. Der Lichtschalter ist links.
But e-mail is deleated. Aber Emil ist beleidigt.
I cannot enter the chatroom. Ich komm nicht rein ins Sch***haus.
Chatroom= das Sch***haus
ipod= der Nachttopf.
Enter your code at home.
Erledige dein Geschäft zu Hause!!!

25.02.2013, 00:36

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