» Ricer Anthem

EE8, EG2... oder vielleicht doch ´n Integra?Neuen Thread eröffnenNeue Antwort erstellenSeltene japaner!!!!

Anmeldedatum: 05.08.2008
Beiträge: 768
Wohnort: Hafen Ost
25.10.2013, 14:41

Rollin down the strip just hollerin’ at bitches

My Honda is bouncing cut the springs 3 inches

My neons are flashing with the beat of my bass

Just another Friday night and my Civics ready to race

I got mad props for days from all the races that I’m winning

And when I’m stopped at a redlight my hubcaps keep spinning

My Seat is layed back got my hat cocked to the side

My skin may be white but I claim asian pride

My FWD is just burning up the streets

While I got your head bobbin to this cold as*** beat

Tearing down you block with my crazy as*** drivin’

I’m ripping through your town like hurricane Ivan

Got the music blaring from my audiovox speakers

The crowd parts in half when I hit the strobes in my blinkers

People gather around looking kinda curious

They all wanted to know if I’m in the Fast and the Furious.

I got out of my car with my pants just saggin

Then popped open my hood so I could start bragging

Chrome exhaust tip with built in LED lights

Custom cold air intake made from PVC pipe

2 Jensen subs in the trunk that are bangin’ hard

Grill from Home Depot made from Gutter Guard

Reving up my exhaust at everything I drive by

Saw a Camero in the slow lane and gave him a ricer fly by

I got your mirrors vibrating from the bass of my subs

I told my momma for Crimus I want the Giovanni Dubs

I got Japanese symbols on the back of my car

If you could read Japanese it would say Type R

I got a carbon fiber wing that stands 3 ft high

It it was any bigger I’d be flyin’ in the sky

Fools driving driving domestics know that imports are superior

I got 15 horsepower just by painting my interior

I got more horsepower than the phonebooks got pages

And my speedometer reads 140 on my indiglo gauges

I got purple neons underneath that keep the ground lit

3 more paychecks and I’ll have my body kit

Got decals on the side of all the sponsors I wanna get

And they’ll all coming crawling cause this songs about to hit

I gotta get my Civic ready for the road to NOPI

When the judges see my car I’ll get the first place trophy

I’ll smoke any car at Hot Import Nights

The only thing you will see is my altezza taillights

Cause everybody knows Hondas are the fastest car yet

I’ll eat a mustang for breakfast and shit out a corvette

Thats right. VEEETEK BIT***, my Honda P+++ more ho** then a snooob dooog video ,)


Fahrzeug: EH6 & FD3
Anmeldedatum: 16.07.2011
Beiträge: 1113
Wohnort: TBB/MGH im Taubertal
25.10.2013, 15:23

gibt viele nice songs onl line ;) :D

25.10.2013, 15:23

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