Autor | Nachricht |
Premium-Member Name: Hado Geschlecht: Fahrzeug: EG9, CN2, r.i.p. S2000, BNR32, EG4 Anmeldedatum: 07.07.2010 Beiträge: 489 Wohnort: Austria | zitieren |
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Premium-Member Anmeldedatum: 12.01.2010 Beiträge: 263 Wohnort: Dongen - The Netherlands | zitieren So... last night we cutted the fenders Verfasst am: 11.10.2010, 10:59 zitieren And another update: See > updated again. Wide body Here we are again with a few updates. Due to the summer season with all the meetings and stuff we didn’t had much chance to make progress on the car. We are getting there but sometimes it goes slow. To make the DC5 more like a proper race-car we chose to change the entire look with a wide-body-kit. People have to notice some serious work is being done to our project. Since there are only a few wide-bodies for the DC5 we had little to choose from. We think the current one is the best looking one. It really was a pain to get it on the car. And for now it’s only on, the painter has a lot of work coming his way! Full story/pictures: Black Gold - Weight Loss It was obvious that there would be al lot of “black gold” on our race car. Showoff Imports is the biggest European dealer of Seibon carbon therefore of course some nice products to show our customers. The hood already was carbon fibre but it was painted, we chose a new one. To save some weight on the back end the trunk should be replaced, carbon, what else! Probably the top peace of our carbon mania, the doors. They look great in real life, you have to trust me on that. Hard to capture on a photo but we sure tried. Glass is also very heavy on a car, we replaced all the windows, except the front one (for now), with polycarbonate ones. They are made beautifully, just like the oem windows, just a hell of a lot lighter! Full story/pictures To be continued.... |
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Senior Geschlecht: Fahrzeug: Integra DC2; Civic ED7 Anmeldedatum: 19.10.2009 Beiträge: 299 Wohnort: Bayern | zitieren the wide-body-kit looks badass |
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Fortgeschrittener Geschlecht: Fahrzeug: CRX ED9 Anmeldedatum: 01.05.2010 Beiträge: 155 Wohnort: 93413 Cham | zitieren Very nice projekt you got there! I like watching your pics, seeing that you are doing professional work on a great car and won´t hesitate to spend a lot of money for this... Do you also deal with import of whole cars to germany or just tunig parts? |
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Premium-Member Anmeldedatum: 12.01.2010 Beiträge: 263 Wohnort: Dongen - The Netherlands | zitieren The car has been some weeks at the paintshop, since we were away (visited SEMA in the mean time) the painter had time to finish his work to our car! The result so far: See Next week we start building it! :drive2: Verfasst am: 14.12.2010, 09:55 zitieren Another update Special water cutted Spoiler Mounts: And a sneak preview of an upcoming 'project', parked under our dc5 See PS: Soon better pictures (shitty iphone quality) |
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Fortgeschrittener Name: Michael Fahrzeug: Integra Typ R Anmeldedatum: 18.07.2010 Beiträge: 157 Wohnort: Wittlich | zitieren einfach nur geil |
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Elite Name: Daniel Geschlecht: Fahrzeug: Spoon EP3, Daily EG Anmeldedatum: 14.02.2009 Beiträge: 1191 Wohnort: Wunstorf | zitieren awesome DC5 |
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Senior Name: Jan Geschlecht: Fahrzeug: Accord Coupe CG4 & Volvo S40 2.4 5 Zyl Anmeldedatum: 18.04.2010 Beiträge: 408 Wohnort: Freudenstadt | zitieren Holy Shit , thats awesome guys Keep it going please |
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Gast | zitieren Mach mit!Wenn Dir die Beiträge zum Thread "Honda Integra DC5 Trackcar/Rennauto @ Showoff Imports" gefallen haben oder Du noch Fragen hast oder Ergänzungen machen möchtest, solltest Du Dich gleich bei uns anmelden:Registrierte Mitglieder genießen die folgenden Vorteile: ✔ kostenlose Mitgliedschaft ✔ keine Werbung ✔ direkter Austausch mit Gleichgesinnten ✔ neue Fragen stellen oder Diskussionen starten ✔ schnelle Hilfe bei Problemen ✔ Bilder und Videos hochladen ✔ und vieles mehr... |
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Showoff imports Hiho Honda Freunde :)
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Type-R Lippe von Showoff- Hi,
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danke im vorraus für nützliche antworten.
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