» EPS?->WTF?

Civic EP 3 Preisfrage..!?Neuen Thread eröffnenNeue Antwort erstellenzu hoher Ölverbrauch ??

Name: David
Fahrzeug: Honda Civic Type R EP3 '04
Anmeldedatum: 10.12.2007
Beiträge: 36
Wohnort: Luxemburg
10.12.2007, 20:51

Ich hab da bei meinem Thermometer ein EPS-lämpchen...
kann mir mal einer was das ist?

Anmeldedatum: 14.02.2007
Beiträge: 3115
Wohnort: 4324 Obermumpf
10.12.2007, 21:03

ich würde mal fix auf Electronic-Power-Steering tippen!?

Honda first introduced EPS on the 1993 Acura NSX, and the system has since appeared on a number of Honda cars, including the 2006 Civic and 2007 Fit. Using a brush-type DC motor installed concentrically around the steering rack, the system combines torque and velocity information from the steering wheel with vehicle-speed information to calculate the optimum amount of steering assist to provide. Utilizing electronic sensors and a sophisticated electronic control unit (ECU) allowed engineers to decrease steering assist at higher speeds and increase it at lower speeds when it's most needed.

As equipped on the 2007 Foreman 500 4x4, this latest EPS iteration employs Honda's cutting-edge technology to minimize size and weight-important considerations for ATV design-while simultaneously taking advantage of today's processing power and Honda engineering to custom-tailor the application to a workhorse ATV. The EPS system monitors steering torque and vehicle speed to adjust the levels of steering assist and feel. When stopped or at low speeds, it provides more assistance for a light steering effort. As speed increases, the amount of assistance is reduced to provide the appropriate level of feedback. Perhaps the most significant benefit is the system's ability to provide light and consistent steering feel in both 2WD and 4WD operation. As a secondary benefit, the EPS system acts like a steering damper to greatly reduce undesirable kickback through the handlebars in rough or rocky terrain.

Honda's ingenious design utilizes a torsion shaft inside the steering stem that moves a sensor up or down in response to steering torque applied by the rider. The sensor detects the core's rate of movement and direction and sends the information to an ECU. The ECU, following the preprogrammed parameters of a digital control map, regulates current to the electric-assist motor. By providing more or less output assist torque to the output shaft, the motor effectively helps the rider by augmenting or minimizing the amount of steering assistance. The Honda EPS system also includes two maps-one for 2WD and one for 4WD so the rider's feeling is more consistent regardless of mode.

 1x  bearbeitet

Name: Jens
Fahrzeug: Accord CN2
Anmeldedatum: 09.03.2007
Beiträge: 2711
Wohnort: Munster

Meine eBay-Auktionen:
10.12.2007, 21:56

yoa...elektronische lenkunterstützung oder so in der art....

keine angst das is was gutes ^,^


Name: BBQ
Fahrzeug: Civic EP2 Sport
Anmeldedatum: 26.06.2007
Beiträge: 4798
Wohnort: Karlsruhe
10.12.2007, 22:00

Jap...Nicht zu verwechseln mit ESP!!!!
Wenn mann bedenkt das ich damals meine Rakete gekauft habe und mir mein Supa-Dupa Händler weissmachen wollte das der ESP hat könnte ich heute nch brechen...Also Elektronische Lenkunterstützung...(Servo)


Name: David
Fahrzeug: Honda Civic Type R EP3 '04
Anmeldedatum: 10.12.2007
Beiträge: 36
Wohnort: Luxemburg
10.12.2007, 22:15

okay danke :-) also dass es kein esp ist das hab ich schon längst rausgefunden :D

10.12.2007, 22:15

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