Autor | Nachricht |
Newbie Anmeldedatum: 31.10.2007 Beiträge: 14 | zitieren 1300 Yesterday, i drove over to the auto skills center (The army provides soldiers a garage to work on their cars -basicically anything you could need to work on your car - Lifts, welding torches, air powered tools ect. So i lift the car up and see every single bolt and nut rusted on the exhaust flanges. I put the socket on and they start breaking off. i look at the cat and the bolts a giant piece of rusted shit. So i call my friend. We decided we would take it down at the header and try to save the cat becuase we didn't have a new one on us at that time. My other friend managed to somehow get the terminals knocked out of the 02 sensor so we had to splice the wire and fix it. After about 2 hours of just cutting and torching every single rusted bolt on the cat we hit closing time of the auto center. We hastly put the exhuast on, and i get in the car and realize the damn Exhuast is hitting the shifting column. We got a CEL (check engine light) but we can just clear that. Needless to say: -Don't buy cheap ebay - If your going to do the exhuast, just do the whole thing - Header -cat exhuast. buy new 02 sensors too. I dont really like the whole 4.5" tip so i think im gonna get it cut and get a Skunk2 muffler 3" tip I want to get a megan racing header and a magnaflow cat. After that i need to get the b16 transmission. I noticed a small transmission fluid leak i'm a bit scared. |
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Administrator ![]() ![]() Name: Marc Geschlecht: ![]() Anmeldedatum: 28.08.2004 Beiträge: 52423 Wohnort: Lohmar | zitieren Doesn't sound good. But why did you began with the work? You wanted to install a new exhaust? Which one? Now an ebay Isn't the O2 Sensor placed before the cat (at the header).. ![]() regards |
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Newbie Anmeldedatum: 31.10.2007 Beiträge: 14 | zitieren It's the secondary 02 sensor after the cat. I bought the Exhuast off of ebay, i would post links but im on a govt computer ebay is not acsessable. |
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Administrator ![]() ![]() Name: Marc Geschlecht: ![]() Anmeldedatum: 28.08.2004 Beiträge: 52423 Wohnort: Lohmar | zitieren Oh ok. Now you know: If you buy cheap you buy twice ![]() But heating up the cat is much better and makes it easier to loosen the bolts. ![]() |
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Newbie Anmeldedatum: 31.10.2007 Beiträge: 14 | zitieren I don't like the look of that 4.5" muffler tip. I like this 3.5"mufller from Skunk2. How much do you think a German shop would charge to cut and weld that on? |
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Grand Master Name: Bernhard Geschlecht: ![]() Fahrzeug: Civic IX FK 2 Sport Anmeldedatum: 28.02.2007 Beiträge: 23911 Wohnort: Bamberg | zitieren Where you come from ? Benny |
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Street Hunter ![]() ![]() Name: Andy Geschlecht: ![]() Fahrzeug: EG3 ,Opel Calibra Turbo 16v Anmeldedatum: 16.06.2005 Beiträge: 4315 Wohnort: E-Town; summer residence Bakersfield CA | zitieren Man thats really bad ![]() Skunk 2 sounds nice....Perhaps i can help you with welding.I hope you get your car fixed. |
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Administrator ![]() ![]() Name: Marc Geschlecht: ![]() Anmeldedatum: 28.08.2004 Beiträge: 52423 Wohnort: Lohmar | zitieren As I said before. In Germany you don't have really a chance to get such brand parts. But you could try it here: In addition search for shops in the netherlands. They have more tuning shops for hondas and they can sell more (as they don't have our tuv laws). regards |
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